JA Our Neighbors
The JA Our Neighbors® video resource is designed to help students with their need to bridge the digital divide, promote inclusivity, increase literacy, and boost confidence when a volunteer visits the classroom. These program enhancements are intended to enrich the JA experience for students, teachers, and volunteers, creating a deeper relationship with Junior Achievement and its mission.
JA Our Neighbors ™
Related Curriculum
JA Our City
JA Our City® introduces third-grade students to financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and grade-level social studies learning objectives, including how people manage their money and the importance of economic exchange within a city. (Grade 3)
-- A flexible model designed to support multiple learning environments
-- Five 45-minute sessions
-- Experiential, engaging in-class activities that support learning objectives, including digital and physical board games, mapping activities, and role-plays
-- School-to-home activities that extend the lessons from the classroom to students’ families and their own communities
-- Elementary-appropriate content in financial literacy with entrepreneurship woven throughout
-- A fun sing-along video to get students up and moving in the classroom, while reinforcing financial literacy concepts.
View JA Our City
JA Our Region
JA Our Region® introduces students to entrepreneurship and how entrepreneurs use resources to produce goods and services in a region. Students operate a hypothetical hot dog stand to understand the fundamental tasks performed by a business owner and to track the revenue and expenses of a business. (Grade 4)
JA Our Region offers flexible implementation options to meet the needs of students and teachers in a variety of use cases. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.
View JA Our Region
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